Business Intelligence / Data Analytics

Business Intelligence (BI) leverages strategies and technologies to transform data into actionable insights that provide historical, current and predictive views of an organisation’s business operations. BI tools access and analyse large amounts of structured and sometimes unstructured data sets and present easy interpretation of big data in reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs, charts and maps to help identify and develop new strategic business opportunities.

From operational to strategic, the potential benefits of business intelligence tools support a wide range of business decisions-accelerating and improving decision-making, optimising internal business processes, increasing operational efficiency, driving new revenues and gaining competitive advantage over business rivals. BI systems can also empower organisations to identify market trends, assess demand, decide product & marketing mix and spot business problems that need to be addressed.

Panha delivers interactive & intuitive CXO and operational level intelligence in form of web based analytical apps. These apps are based on open source technology stack providing ease of integration with existing internal data sources and applications. Apps can further be supported by data pipeline to process and enrich data before final view.

Decision makers can receive actionable insights and alerts based on real data. Together, the solutions are designed to enhance user engagement through amalgamation of data discovery, graphic visualisation, and "Do-It-Yourself (DIY)" self-service dashboards.